The KSJ process begins with with an inspired concept and unfolds through the exploration of how it can manifest in metal and stone. Every idea and collection takes on a distinct form, making the creation of something new. This is an ever-evolving and dynamic journey, constantly changing with fresh techniques and unique perspectives.
My designs are heavily influenced by natural elements, embracing clean and elegant shapes, and celebrating the essence of femininity. Texture is a key aspect of design for me, allowing the jewelry to both captivate the eyes and provide a tactile connection when worn. By employing the art of metal fabrication and the transformative technique of lost wax casting, I meticulously craft pieces that are intended to be cherished and endure the test of time.
Every single KSJ creation is personally handmade in my enchanting studio nestled in Stockholm, Sweden.
If you have any inquiries regarding a specific piece, or if you wish to embark on a special custom project, please feel free to initiate the process by using the contact form